Saturday, October 31, 2009


October 31, 2009

Victory!  The GPS works.  Never another word about it except to say it's a huge relief to be guided by a gadget that works.

The Rock 'n Roll Museum is an A plus (why doesn't the plus sign work on my keyboard?).  Beautifully situated on Lake Erie, the museum is enormously fun for people of all ages.  I even started to fall in love with Elvis yet again.  There were women there older (and fatter) than me who were rocking it up in memory of their childhoods.  In addition to paying homage to the rock 'n roll greats, there's a lot of stuff on music censorship.  Remember Tipper Gore's mid-1980's campaign against musical lyrics?  I'd forgotten.

If you're about to go to Cleveland, be sure to have lunch at Tommy's on Coventry Road.  It's the kind of place that attracts huge crowds, like Lucky Platter in Evaston or Baba Louie's all summer in GB.  Incredible falafel and one of the best milk shakes of my life.

University Circle in Cleveland, where I'm staying, is elegant, academic, and artistic.  I haven't explored a lot of Cleveland, but it does seem to be a major medical center with miles of hospitals, clinics, and so forth.

Happy Halloween and sad end to Daylight Savings.


  1. Laury,
    That is the most enticing description of Cleveland I ever read. It was once a grand town--or so I can tell from the pictures I found of all the old department stores at

  2. Dan, Given your vast cultural interests, I'd put Cleveland on my list of "got to visit sometime." There are many remnants of the old wealthy and culturally inclined Cleveland lurking about, not hard to find if you place yourself in or around the University. Thank you for looking at my blog, which is the most narcissistic thing I've ever done.
