Monday, October 26, 2009

Another farewell party

Leaving town isn't so difficult when you're lucky enough to have friends who hold good-bye parties for you.  Tonight my friends Amy Rudnick and Ben Hillman had me and a few others over for a tastilicious Moroccan chicken dinner.  Robin's delish shrimp appetizer, my parsnip puree with sauteed Brussells sprouts, and BZ's intensely intense flourless chocolate cake all contributed to a tasty evening.  Hostess Amy and guest Jonathan are smiling at the thought of all that good food.  But I think some friends are saying "Enough already.  Be gone."  Well, okay.  Tata

P.S.  My friend Steven Haas spent many hours programming my computer with the latest Garmin maps so I could download them onto the Garmin for my car.  And then I spent many hours on Sunday creating "waypoints" so I could easily get maps from here to there, wherever I was. 

Yesterday, though, when I took the Garmin to the car, it was stuck in Waukegan Illinois, and nothing I could do would let me out of there. Much gnashing of teeth.  But this morning--very very early--Steven came over to see what the problem was.  Diagnosis:  dead battery.  Hmm.  Silly me. 

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