Sunday, October 25, 2009

Book Party for Maureen Howard, October 24 2009

Maureen Howard (in grey), my sometime Monterey neighbor and respected teacher, novelist and all-round intellectual just published her ninth book, The Rags of Time.  In honor of this, Annette Grant (in red), also a good friend of Maureen's, and I hosted a book party to celebrate.  About 20 people came over on a viciously rainy and windy Saturday afternoon to nibble a few goodies and listen to Maureen read a Halloween passage from her book.  She's an accomplished teacher, which was clear from the moment she began talking.  Chris Blair, a friend and neighbor of Maureen, is hobbyist photographer who could easily do it for a living.  The picture above may not be an adequate demonstration of Chris's talent, but don't blame him.  Blame my camera and the lighting.  And check out Chris's blog,  It will make you hungry.

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