Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Religious Right is Always With Us

Between yesterday's visit to the Rock 'n Roll Museum, with its vivid videos of rabid fundamentalists denouncing this music inspired by Satan, and attending a revival of "Inherit the Wind" at the Cleveland Playhouse last night, I'm dwelling on the way-too-ingrained American tradition of intolerance, based on Scripture, to ideas that threaten the Word of God. 

The Scopes trial was held in 1925 (remember, Scopes lost), "Inherit the Wind" was written in the mid-1950's using the trial as a parable for Joseph McCarthy's nastiness, and it's still way-too-relevant today.  Texas is not the only state that still clings to its anti-evolution position.

So is this fundamentalist religious intrusion into politics just a fact of life in America?  And if yes, do we just have to grin and bear it?

1 comment:

  1. MUST-READ of 2009: Deer Hunting With Jesus by Joe Bageant. He gets the closest to nailing this syndrome. Another entry of late, Denialism by Michael Specter.

    It's got everything to do with education, no?
