Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Frank Gehry b-school building on Case Western Reserve campus

November 1, 2009

I'm posting this mostly so Jamie and other architects can answer my question:  isn't the space too small for this building?  I think it overwhelms the corner, and one can only get a good view of it from a distance, and only then of part of it.  What do you think?


  1. I think you are right Laury. It's the same reason there are few great examples of modern architecture in NY--they cannot breathe. That's why the Seagam's Building works. The plaza gives it space.
    And to me the beauty of the Gehry building at Bard is its setting. It is set against the woods and the sky. I always love approaching it.

  2. I share your enthusiasm for the Seagram's Building. It is perhaps my favorite New York building, although I was pretty fond of the Woolworth Building, but for different reasons.

    The Bard music hall is magnificent, and it's because you can see it without distraction. I also really like his art museum in Minneapolis on campus. It's not as openly sited as the building at Bard, but it works really well on site.

